Most often this process takes place in the store.

26.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Choice of tiles.

The laying of tiles in the bathroom should start with the purchase of this very tile. Most often this process takes place in the store. Of course, the brand new tiles for the bath can be stuck on the nearest construction site, but this approach has a number of serious minuses. Firstly, you can be caught and planted for five or even eight years-it all depends on who exactly you stole. Secondly, the construction artel, in which you will steal materials, will not give you any guarantees of the quality of the goods. And thirdly, stealing is still bad and unethical. Perhaps your mother told you in childhood that in the children who steal, shreds of black wool grow from her hands. Do not take risks once again.

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