Also, rollers can be different in width.

29.05.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The roller itself is divided into three elements: the frame of the roller or, as it is also called, the boogle; Actually the roller itself or the «fur coat»; and an overlapping handle, which is used for convenience of painting high walls and ceilings. Bugel can be different in width and diameter of the core. When choosing a “fur coat”, you need to know these parameters to it. The “fur coats” themselves are different in width, diameter and their structure. Foam rollers — the past generation of rollers. Absorb too much paint, while spray it with a strong pressure. Solvent paints sometimes dissolve the foam itself, which is why the roller quickly becomes unusable. The paint is strongly dripping from the foam rubber. The most convenient fur and velor rollers are. They, in turn, differ in the length and nature of the pile. The longer the “fur coats” pile, the more rough walls can paint this roller, the more paint it holds on itself. Best when painting rough surfaces, rollers with a twisted pile of 10-12 mm behave are behaved. Smooth walls are better to paint with a velor roller with a small pile length. Also, rollers can be different in width. The choice of roller width depends on the volume of upcoming work. The wider the roller, the larger area that it covers, but the possibility of the appearance of stripes increases significantly. The roller with a small width is designed, first of all, for painting small areas.

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