Преимущества спортивного линолеума для спортзалов и фитнес-центров
В современном мире, где здоровый образ жизни и физическая активность приобретают все большую популярность, качество оснащения спортивных объектов становится важным фактором успеха.
Is turned over
The distance between the folds is measured: the cut glass should be less by 2-4mm.
Plate on the walls
In the case, if there is an old plate on the walls, then you will need to remove it.
You will need paper
Initially, you need to purchase all the tools that will be required to repair.
In the reverse order
The second nut is turned off the corresponding in size with the wrench.
You can
To replace the cartridge in the kitchen or bath-duoden mixer, a new cartridge, a wallpaper knife, a hexagonal key or a flat slotted screwdriver.
Own hands
Now about how to replace the cartridge in the mixer with your own hands if it has failed.
As already mentioned
As already mentioned, this work is not so complicated technologically, so you will definitely succeed.