Carried out within

25.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Consider what advantages of local sewage networks give them the right to conquer a worthy place among other systems. The main advantage of local sewage systems over other sewers is that if you take water disposal for a separate country house, then all processes necessary for wastewater cleaning are carried out within the framework of one structure. Cleaning processes occur in one case; from the septic tank to the output of the purified water to the surface or its discharge into the nearest reservoir, a drainage well or a drainage ditch. Such a layout is possible only for the sewer system, which is designed for a small volume of diverted and cleaned wastewater, designed for one or more home ownership. For a larger volume of dedicated effluents, several separate blocks should be used in the sewage system of the country house.

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