Carry out bamboo trunks after some time.

01.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

How bamboo wallpaper is made

For the production of bamboo wallpapers, the strips of this tree are used. And note that not all bamboo varieties are suitable for. In the process of manufacturing, the cut of the upper layers of the bamboo is used, since it has a more suitable tree structure. Before using this raw materials in the manufacture of wallpaper, it is subjected to specialized processing. For some time, the collected stems are folded in a room with a certain temperature regime. Carry out bamboo trunks after some time. Then the prepared material is connected together, then I glue them on the base of the fabric. Bamboo wallpaper can have different shades — light and dark. Light give bamboo canvases of natural shades. And to obtain dark during the manufacture of wallpaper, they resort to heat treatment.

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