Cold floor in the apartment: how to warm?

02.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The warm floor in the apartment is comfort and comfort, these are healthy children, saving thermal energy and finance for its payment. These are always dry walls, the absence of a fungus, normal humidity in the room. Когда возникает разность давления в квартире и на улице, теплый воздух из помещения уходит через щели, неплотности, поры наружу, уступая место холодным массам. Sources of losses can be ceiling, walls, and floor. The cold flooring provokes a vertical temperature difference, while warm masses accumulate at the top of the room, and the cold air entering through the floor accumulates below. Ideally, you need to strive to ensure that this difference is not at all or it was minimal. To do this, you need to perform high -quality floor insulation in the apartment. The solution of this issue is relevant for residents of the apartments of the lower floors, where the cold comes from the ground or the non -heated basement.

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