Composite tiles: technical characteristics

02.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Composite tiles are a popular material for covering roof roofs in the construction world. The production technology of this coating involves the manufacture of a steel profiled sheet with the application of a special protective layer to it. Typically, this modern high -tech method involves the presence of zinc, silicon and aluminum, which is produced as a result of alloying these components. Thanks to this, manufacturers create the appearance of the roof that imitates natural tiles. Composite tiles have a number of positive qualities, due to which she loved so much in the construction market. 1. High reliability and durability of the coating will help to operate the roof up to 50 years without repair and reconstruction. Everything is due to modern technologies and a wonderful composition. 2. The coating is almost silent, since it is covered with a layer of granulatory and a layer of acrylic composition. Natural factors are not afraid of him, whether it rain, snow or hail. 3. The quality of the composition of the tile guarantees the protection of the roof from corrosion, scratches, mechanical damage. 4. Manufacturers offer a large range of shapes, colors and shades that will help to implement any design solutions. 5. Composite tiles combines many advantages of other tiles: metal tiles and soft roofs. 6. Due to their small sizes, compact sheets allow installation quickly and in a short time. There are no difficulties when laying the structure, you can perfectly cope without the help of a specialist, the main thing is to clearly observe all the instructions of the manufacturers to create a high -quality coating. 7. The price range is quite acceptable, it is designed for a wide circle of consumers. Use composite tiles for your home, thereby having the opportunity to create your original style and roof design.

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