Do not boil! Give the way to the fool

06.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Sociologists from Moscow University wanted to answer one interesting question — why do some drivers almost constantly get and create emergency situations, but others do not get into them? In order to get an answer, they conducted one study. It was attended by exactly 100 professional drivers. This study was conducted in one of the fleets, where sociologists compared and analyzed the character traits of participants. As a result, they found that if the following qualities are inherent in a person: stress resistance, high moral standards, balance, courage — less in the accident.“Yes, this is obvious,” some can say, but there is a thin line. There are people who simply adore extreme situations. For example, a test pilot, climber, paratrooper. They are doing their job in order to get adrenaline. There are such personalities who are able to tell any person unpleasant truth to him in public. Given all this, a good driver must have not only courage, but also reasonable restraint. In addition, solid knowledge of traffic rules is required for a good driver. Even if you are an experienced driver, you will not turn you from time to time to repeat the rules of the road. Now there is all the possibilities for this. And to determine whether time has come to repeat the rules, you can simply pass the traffic rules online. Believe me, after that you will disappear illusions about the «excellent» knowledge of the rules. Also, a good driver must be a highly moral person. High moral standards on the road are nothing more than a manifestation of responsibility to others, following traffic rules, respect for others. Such drivers do not violate the rules of the road, but clearly observe them. For example, he will not go through the intersection at night, if the red light of the traffic light is burning, even if no one is there. This type of drivers does not get involved in road welding and will not punish his neighbor if he makes a mistake in the stream during maneuvering. Such drivers always go according to the rule “Do not boil! Give way to the fool «.When the driver has stress resistance, this helps him save a lot of nerves on the road. First of all, this will include the ability not to worry about trifles. It is also important on the road to have a creative imagination and experience. The listed skills help the driver model the situation on the road, anticipate the mistakes of others and therefore avoid dangerous situations in advance during movement. Undoubtedly, all the qualities that were listed above allow a person not only to prevent accidents, but also, in addition, enjoy driving along the road.

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