From adj.

09.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The wind with the rain. It is recommended to determine the degree of moisture of the walls and measures to protect them according to the methodology of the Central National Party of the Housing, founded by the works of E G. Bogdanova. From the climatic reference book of the USSR, the average long -term amount of precipitation for the warm period is issued. For the same period, the average long -term wind speed is determined. Private from dividing the amount of precipitation into wind speed gives the average intensity of precipitation in mm/min. From adj. 4 In terms of precipitation and wind speed, the amount of precipitation passing through the conditional vertical surface (2 in mm/min) is determined. If this amount, transferred to the hourly dimension (mm/h), enters the gradation up to 100 mm, the territory belongs to the dry zone, from 100 to 200 mm — to the normal zone, more than 200 mm — to the wet zone.

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