Glazing PVC windows in

06.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

This series was adopted in 1981 and, with small modernization, is applied to this day. PVC windows at the CPE have their own characteristics, especially when it comes to loggia. A feature of balconies, such as 3x1m, a series of CPE, was the presence of a sufficiently large number of different concrete protrusions, as well as influxes, which largely complicates, both finishing and glazing. Copes loggias are equipped with concrete parapets, which is almost perfect for glazing PVC windows in an aluminum profile. However, this will not be enough for the so-called, warm PVC-resistance. If the client wishes, namely, warm double -glazed windows, then you will first need to make additional masonry from foam blocks. In addition, it is necessary to “raise” the floor on the loggia, to the level of compatibility with the floor in the apartment itself.

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