GPS beacons — reliable vehicle protection

13.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Well, if you were able to accumulate money for your dream car, do not feel true and protect it from theft. For this, manufacturers offer many systems that are different in terms of work and in price. But sometimes even the most advertised devices in the driver’s environment cannot cope with their responsibilities assigned to them. For example, a conventional alarm will realize to any extraneous loud sound, or even a rushing children’s bicycle. As a result, no one reacts to her constant false “howls”. Therefore, a passerby is unlikely to pay attention to the car that someone will even try. It will be more efficient to protect the installation of the GPS lighthouse on the car. He has such opportunities that are not in other devices designed to protect cars. Firstly, the beacon is so small that it will not be easy for the attacker to disconnect him. But as soon as the stranger tries to take possession of the car, the signal about this will immediately come to the owner. It is transmitted by pulses, so it is impossible to track its direction. In addition, the device works even in a de -energized machine. And most importantly, if the hijacker still succeeds in doing theft — the beacon will set the movement route, and then — the final location of the car. If you leave the car in the parking lot without protection, the best option would be Sobr GSM alarm alarm with auto -wounding. It works as soon as the attacker gets into the car. From the first seconds of movement, the device will transmit it all the coordinates to the owner’s phone. In addition, you can make such settings that will send a notification to several numbers at once. One of them may be a security agency’s phone. Its employees can immediately start after the hijacker and return the car to the legal owner. The price of a GSM alarm with a car launch an affordable for all motorists and incomparable with the losses that can deliver theft of the car. In addition, the GPS beacon has not only a protective function, but also a controlling. If you install it on an official car or truck, you can find out exactly if the driver is using the car for personal purposes. And if the employee knows about such devices in the operated machine, then he will definitely not violate production discipline. For the GPS beacon to work without failures — its installation must be entrusted to specialists. Before you contact the company — find out about its reputation or read the reviews on the sites about it. You can also ask for advice from those who have already installed such a device and are satisfied with its work.

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