How to overtake not the last?

19.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Experienced drivers know that the most difficult and even dangerous maneuver on the roadway is overtaking. The overtaking traffic rules is primarily connected with the departure from the strip occupied by your vehicle. The cause of the significantly number of traffic accidents is precisely the execution of overtaking. Moreover, they face more often not with oncoming, but with passing cars. In a significant number of cases, the reason is the movement of cars at high speeds and without observance of distances. First of all, it is worth remembering that the driver of the car that you overtake may not see you at all, take at this moment to the left (for example, for the detour of the pit) and without turning on the turning point. Ending overtaking, you can return to your lane only if you see the vehicle overtaken by you in the mirror, while the distance to it should be about 20 meters. In particular, when overtaking cyclists, it is correct to leave the side interval to them at least 1 meter. After all, in fact (and according to his mentality), a cyclist is a pedestrian at an increased speed. It is also forbidden to make unexpected, sharp movements to the cyclist, sharply slow down after overtaking. At the same time, this can be expected from the cyclist himself (after all, he, for example, can lose control and fall on the roadway).Also, some of the most emergency places on the roadway are unregulated intersections. Accidents at such intersections usually happen due to non-compliance with the necessary safe distance, violation of maneuvering rules, and sometimes because of the inattention of drivers to traffic signs. When driving a car, always remember that there is a possibility that one of the other participants in the movement can at some point ignore traffic rules, distract, make a mistake. This can lead to a dangerous situation on the road. Also on the road it is worth keeping your car away from military vehicles. Often they are controlled by young, inexperienced in driving, with a small driver’s experience. Also be careful even when you have an advantage of traffic on the road, because someone else can ignore it. Children and pedestrians in a state of alcohol or other intoxication are also particularly unpredictable. Technologies do not stand still: an on -board computer, video cameras, steering wheel amplifier and a system for reducing the brake route help to overtake the safety. And a powerful engine will reduce the maneuver time. The stylish and modern embodiment of these theses is Ford Evos.

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