Make a versus of furniture.

23.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The idea is this. For ourselves, we get a lot of furniture in the house-tables, beds, sofas, chairs, stools, simulators, rocking chairs and similar. There is a specialization of furniture. And if everything is united — both the chair and the table, and everything else? Make a versus of furniture. Table, chair, stool, bed — unite in a single chair. Sofa, simulator, rocking chair, bicycle-the same to combine. On the same chair you can still produce electricity for internal use, using a manual and foot generator. Now a similar generator is invented for a gadget chair-rocking chair. To blow himself, loved, blowing a breeze from a fan, batteries for a mobile phone, laptop, TV were charged. With a light movement of the hand, the universal device will turn into a dining room, into an office, into a rest room, a rocking chair, in a physical education hall, and for the disabled and children in the toilet. Swinging up in a rocking chair, or unwinding the exercise of the exercise bike, it will be possible to charge the on -board battery. The Americans have a dream — “own house on wheels”, and this is “their own residential module on wheels”. Moving and collecting such “residential modules” you can create different spatial and functional structures.

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