Moreover, the upper horizontal surface is called.

26.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Steps — this is an integral part of the stairs of which the price of which largely depends on the material used. Steps perceive the load from outside. At the same time, the steps are divided into the upper and lower frizes (upper and lower steps of the span) and the main steps that are between them. In its form, there are straight, beveled, arched and wedge -shaped steps. The design of the steps is distinguished with a continuous surface, with a continuous section and with holes. Moreover, the upper horizontal surface is called. There are also several ways to attach the steps themselves, for example, sealing with ends, support on the beam, console sealing and suspended steps. Moreover, the steps can be attached not only around the edges or in the center, in theory, the mount can be anywhere in the step.

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