Naturally, the foundation is the basis of any structure, whether it is a one -story country house or a multi -storey residential building. It is on the quality of the foundation that the durability of the entire building as a whole depends. At the same time, a special emphasis can be known that a high -quality building will be in the future economical, since it will not be necessary to make frequent repairs.

27.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Now it is worth paying attention to what type of foundation you need to choose, during the construction of the house.

For example, there is a columnar foundation, namely this design is initially calculated by specialists. Considering the columnar foundation, you can notice that it is a system of pillars. These pillars are installed in the corners of the walls, as well as at the intersection of other points. The space between these pillars occupies either coarse -grained sand or crushed stone. After this follows a layer of concrete or reinforced concrete. In order to ensure good thermal insulation of the floor, a gut is done. Other additional waterproofing work in this form of the foundation is not needed.

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