OGCHO -6 City), then WCudasi Cu -2.4 Mpagrad.

27.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficients (KTR) DA SIs and SI Films in the latter in the process of annealing, strong biaxial stresses develop. The value and sign of these stresses can be estimated by multiplying the biaxial elasticity module of the film by DA. Since KTR SI (GOCO6 Grad) is much larger than that of silicon (h. OGCHO -6 City), then WCudasi Cu -2.4 Mpagrad. That is, in the process of heating in the film, compressive stresses will develop. The value of these voltages is 420 MPa at a temperature of 200C, and at 500C thermal stresses can reach 1140 MPa.

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