Processing plaster.

29.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Exterior decoration of a country house — the final stage of construction work. Its purpose is to build an aesthetic appearance and protect the walls from the adverse effects of environmental factors. In addition, this is a great way to improve sound — and thermal insulation, reduce heating costs. The choice of materials depends on what the walls of the building consist of. Most often, aerated concrete is used in construction. This is due to a number of its positive qualities: non -combustible, environmentally friendly, its thermal insulation abilities are high. However, the external decoration of such walls is a necessary condition for their durability, since when getting wet, aerated concrete is oxidized and becomes unattractive outwardly. There are various cladding options: brickwork. It requires preliminary strengthening the foundation. The monolity of the system is achieved using a metal tape or balzatoplastic ties. Processing plaster. This is an inexpensive and simple option. However, it has one drawback: it is impossible to allow drying or freezing a layer of plaster. While these work will be performed, you can live in the hotel. The most suitable option for living will help you to choose a map of Al Ain’s hotels in Russian. Application of siding. It stands inexpensively enough and easy to install. Including, it can be done independently. The material is resistant to the influence of the external environment and for a long time retains the constant appearance. Basically, two types of siding are used: vinyl and metal. The second is made of galvanized steel, so much stronger than the first. Coloring textured mixtures. It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface thoroughly: eliminate irregularities on it and wipe the seams. Then, with a brush or roller, paint is applied to it. It is not worth saving on the paint: it is better to choose more expensive, but also a better option. The second most popular material from which country houses are being built is foam blocks. Their external decoration is simply necessary, because the appearance of such walls in the unclaimed version can hardly be called beautiful. However, there is a plus: the surface of the blocks is even, therefore, to process it, almost everything can be used. Most often, for this purpose, they are used:

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