Resembling honeycombs — only

14.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Having strengthened the roadway and sidewalks, you can proceed to the lawns. Often they are located on slopes and slopes, and under the influence of rains and winds there is erosion and chopping soils, the vegetation does not take root well and does not form a powerful root system. But even here there is a way out — this is a lawn grill — the reinforcement designed to make it growing in the most diverse flora. Resembling honeycombs — only larger sizes and without a bottom — lawn grilles fit to the ground, fall asleep with soil, grass is sown — and everything, reliable and durable lawn is provided. Rain water easily seeps through them, plants feel great, and the soil does not crumble and does not erode.

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