Small technique for a private site

04.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Everyone knows that in large collective farm fields, overall agricultural equipment is used. Когда в промышленных объемах выращивается урожай или осуществляется стандартный уход за замелей, специалисты прибегают к большим тракторам, комбайнам и так далее. However, such frauds in a small area of ​​6-10 acres are not very maneuverable, and it is expensive to acquire them in personal property. But manually processing such an area is not possible for everyone. Even with the help of relatives and improvised power in the form of friends and acquaintances — dripping a garden of 100 meters with a shovel — this is also that hard labor. For such a site, a mini-technique was invented

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