Spacious, so a

15.05.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Gasoline aerators differ in high performance, larger dimensions, high power. Such models are great for working in areas of large area. The actions of a gasoline aerator are limited only by the volume of the gas tank. However, the gas tanks in most models are quite spacious, so a lot can be in time for a dedicated period of time. If you choose a aerator with an equipped grass collector, it will be possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the device. When choosing a particular model, you need to take into account the weight of the device, power, quality of cutting knives, as well as the size of the working area of ​​the site, soil type. Immediately before the work, the correct setting of the height of the knives and the exact determination of the density of the turf is important.

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