Technological table: what is the purpose, features

06.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

When companies such as Samsung and Microsoft join their efforts, there is reason to expect something incredible… This time, as a result of cooperation, a unique touch table was created, which lovers of technological innovations can already order on the official website of Samsung. I must say that sensory technologies have already firmly entered our lives. It seems that in a few years we will forget what even ordinary mechanical vestibule doors look like. For the first time, the public learned about a hot novelty thanks to the CES exhibition, which took place in one of the summer months of this year. Until this moment, only scriptwriters of fantastic films could imagine a strong symbiosis of the table and computer, but what some could only dream of, others embodied in reality. The work of this device is based on Pixelsense technology, which, as the inventors expect, will fully evaluate secured customers whose work involves a regular local demonstration. This device will have to go to the place in any modern conference room or large office. The dimensions of the new generation table are quite compact: 1095x728x707.4 mm, which in combination with a 40 inch screen is extremely convenient. True, such external fragility is illusory, the weight of the compact miracle is 40 kg.

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