The master and, preferably

13.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

When taking work, try not to rejoice too violently that “we built, built and finally built”, and soberly evaluate the work. Firstly, it should be fulfilled in accordance with your requirements (which you discussed with the master and, preferably, attached in writing to the contract). Secondly, it should be of high quality from a technical point of view. Tap the surface covered with tiles, preferably all, as much as possible. There should not be a deaf sound of voids — if the void is under the floor tile, then this is a straight path to the tile split, and if under the wall is a great house for malicious fungi and all kinds of unpleasant insects. Check the corners — they should be the same 90 degrees that were before laying (well, or not 90, but how much you had there, if you have a difficult layout of the room) and the angle relative to the vertical — there is a “level” for this, usually built -in to construction lines and roulette. Look carefully at the seams — they must converge, taking into account the admission, of course, but in high -quality tiles it is very small. Make and sign the act of acceptance of work, or do not sign it — if you are not satisfied with the result, then you can demand the correction of the deficiencies according to the contract and, if the master refuses, then do not be afraid to apply to the court.

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