The simplest runners

12.05.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The traditional way to hide all the ugly pipes was usually the creation of a certain “locker”, often from a banal chipboard. Many even independently made such structures with revealing or sliding doors on the simplest runners — for decorative and protection from moisture, the source material covered the source film, since it has a lot of different colors, almost for every taste: from imitation of a tree, to brilliant holographic patterns. The master can be ordered about the same cabinet — the result, it is likely to get better, simply because the work is performed by a person with extensive experience in this area. But, since the materials will be approximately the same, the final result will essentially not be too much. Such cabinets are not very convenient, and yet, despite the protective film, they consist of wood, that is, they may not very well lead themselves in the conditions of temperature and humidity drops, which are constantly in the bathroom. In addition, small shelves for household chemicals are often arranged in a niche with pipes, and such a simple, the cabinet does not close in any way, except for the sping.

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