The technology is the same for any materials.

11.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The classic method consists in the use of ready -made mixtures (dry) based on cement. The composition of such mixtures includes sand and polymer additives, and high -quality cement is used as a binder. Again, during the work itself, the use of a laser level will be required to obtain a flat surface. With this method, with this method, it is quite difficult to work alone. After all, the entire half of the room needs to be poured at a time. The territory is divided into equal areas. In this case, it is still necessary to ensure that the solution does not dry out between neighboring areas. If, with other methods of leveling the floor, it is necessary to follow the instructions of a particular manufacturer, then when using dry mixtures based on cement, this is not required. The technology is the same for any materials.

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