The video demonstrates mechanized wall plaster

11.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Mechanized wall plaster — advantages and disadvantages

The video demonstrates mechanized wall plaster

To begin with, we describe the shortcomings of using this method, since there are really few of them, and they are relative. First of all, you should pay attention to the cost of such systems, since the prices of medium -quality equipment range in the region from 20 to 120 thousand rubles. Of course, if you take into account the solid volume of work, as well as additional costs at 80-100 r. per square meter with manual plaster (wages, the cost of a mixture for manual plaster, time costs), then the cost of equipment will be able to fight back in just 5-6 months of use with constant loading. But do you have such a volume of work — this is a completely different question.

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