Their manufacturing technologies are also similar.

11.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

It remains only to strengthen the shores, and you can type water. It is no secret that during the spring flood the level of groundwater rises significantly. Accordingly, following the principle of communicating blood vessels, the water level in the reservoir rises. If the shores are not strengthened, there is a risk of soil erosion. To prevent such misfortune, the shores are strengthened with a soil geoster or geogrid. In principle, these are related materials that can successfully replace each other. Their manufacturing technologies are also similar. No wonder the manufacturers of the geoster are often produced and the geogrid. The production of the volumetric design of the lattice technologically consists of several stages. At first, polyethylene tapes are made of the necessary size, then they join each other, forming different shapes and sizes of the cell. The last stage, which completes production — the gearshot is connected into a single whole by welding the places of contact of ultrasound or thermal welding.

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