There is no unequivocal answer to this question.

12.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

So in favor of which furnace for a bath should make a choice — an electric stove or model on wood? A metal stove-kamenka stove deserves a detailed consideration in this regard, choosing which it is necessary to immediately decide which model will be better-electric or wood. There is no unequivocal answer to this question. Naturally, the furnace functioning on wood allows you to get a unique haze in the bathhouse and a very special atmosphere, however, you need to be able to drown such a stove so as to maintain the optimum temperature in the room. In addition, the wood furnace requires a certain care, it is much more difficult to clean such a model, if only because after each use it is necessary to remove the ash, which remains after the furnace. Also, it is initially necessary to take care of suitable fuel-of course, firewood can be any, some stoves for a bathhouse in Rostov-on-Don generally use coal instead of firewood, but specialists tend to believe that certain wood species are much preferable for such use- heating and heating of water in the bath.

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