To increased operational properties
Houses from such blocks are very popular due to increased operational properties and characteristics of foam concrete. Penoblock is considered relatively inexpensive building material due to inexpensive materials that are part of the foam block. At home of foam blocks, with their relatively low cost, have a number of advantages inherent in buildings made of wood and brick. Environmental friendliness is considered one of the advantages, because there are no chemicals in foam blocks that can negatively affect human health, and for this reason, foam blocks are used in the construction of children’s health facilities. Another significant advantage of houses built from foam blocks can be considered magnificent sound insulation, which is very important for the inhabitants of the house. Also in houses from foam blocks, high humidity is a rarity, since foam concrete, due to its porous structure, passes air. Based on the characteristics that houses from foam concrete blocks, we can conclude that they are very similar to houses made of expensive wood or brick, but the cost of structures made of foam concrete is much lower, which ensures their availability among the population.
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