Wallpaper are part of the design.

17.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The first stage of the creation of the design: calculation of the material. To align the walls, you will need plaster, sand and glue. With the help of a spatula, old wallpapers are cleaned. A divorced solution for alignment is applied to the even surface. Wallpaper are part of the design. Choosing the texture to create a style, you can choose liquid wallpaper or manual painting. Here you can fantasize, without restrictions. Liquid wallpaper is easily applied to the surface. Patterns and painting are created by a spatula, wavy movement. So, there will be waves and unusual contours. When choosing wallpaper, you can make a small emphasis in the middle of the wall. Hang photos with original black-gray frames.

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