Walls under the roofs parallel and one height.

17.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Types of roofs

Consider the main types: it is a single -sloping and gable roof. There are different options, we will dwell on the roofs: with or without room. Когда нет помещения тут все понятно, может быть только труба, антенны и люк выхода на крышу, самый экономичный вариант. The single -sided roof of the wall can have different heights. If the slopes are more than 5 percent and under a large inclination, then the room is formed under the roof, and it will be residential or not, then you decide. Four naught roofs, as a rule, truncated horse and triangular slopes are added from two pediments. Tent, called a cone -shaped roof (the top of the roof does not have a skate, and reminds — a spire), all four rayes are triangular. Walls under the roofs parallel and one height.

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