What you need to know about the features of the Finoko restaurant management system

26.03.2024 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Общие заметки

In the modern world, the restaurant business requires not only high-quality service and delicious cuisine, but also effective management.

This is helped by Finoko’s restaurant management system, which provides owners and managers with valuable data to make informed decisions and improve their business.

Data collection and analytics

Finoko restaurant management system collects data from various sources such as POS systems, online orders, customer reviews and others. This data is then analyzed to provide useful information about sales, menu popularity, loyalty program effectiveness, and operational efficiency.

Key features of Finoko

With Finoko, you can track sales, identify revenue trends, identify popular dishes and effective employees. The program helps to control the costs of food, rent, utilities and other expenses. Managers can track employee performance indicators and customer satisfaction levels. The system allows you to track and control cash flows, which helps to optimize expenses and forecast revenues.

Advantages of Restaurant Sales Analytics

The analysis of sales data helps to identify the most popular and least demanded dishes. This allows you to make changes to the menu, removing ineffective items and adding new ones that are most appreciated by customers. Customer reviews and ratings play an important role in improving the overall restaurant experience. Sales analytics allows you to track feedback and identify areas where service or food quality needs to be improved. By knowing the time peaks of activity and customer preferences, restaurants can effectively plan resources, including staff and ingredients, to ensure optimal service at all times.

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