What you need to know when around the walls: features

20.07.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Given the fact that there is no need to fix the rails, the wall is faced after the flooring of the floor. Having previously prepared the tile, the first row is laid to find out how many tiles will be required in the width and height of the wall. In this case, the width of the expanded seams should be taken into account. Of course, if you can’t put an even number of tiles in a row, prepare chopped tiles in advance. They are made with perfectly vertical walls, otherwise you will prepare a lot of tiles, and their size will not match, as a result you will have to chop a certain number of tiles. After the sag of the surface, put the beacons, after they fix them, next to them should drive pins for the cord (preferably thin).Then you should tighten the cord, which will connect the lower pair of lighthouses so that it is one millimeter from the upper edge of the lower row of tiles. This maneuver allows you to control the horizontal and vertical seams of the tiles and, in general, the entire cladding. In order to prevent errors, control the cord. It is also worth always monitoring the rail, the level of horizontal and vertical. By forming the first row, it is recommended to lay up from the middle to the sides. Do not forget to constantly control the width of the seams between the tiles. When you get to the lighthouse, it can be removed and cleaned by the surface to lay tiles. Having finished work on laying the first row, put the pins for the second row and repeat all the above procedures. The same should be done with the third row and with all subsequent rows up to the edge of the wall as a mirror in the living room. During the laying, shaped parts are also installed. It happens that cornice tiles are installed after the cladding. With great diligence, follow horizontal conjugation. There can be many seams on the cladding. The facing seam in some cases can be 2-3 millimeters wide.

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