Cable trolley: what is it, features of application

01.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

When lifting (lowering) of a lifting electromagnet, the cable trolley, moving along the guide welded to the arrow, selects the worship of the supply cable. To limit the height of lifting the cable cart, a lever final switch is installed near the unit, when the lifting mechanism is triggered, it is turned off and can only be turned on the direction “on the rise”. The load from the weight of the cable trolley is perceived by the rope. The diagram of the device for the reversal of a lifting electromagnet is presented. The device for a reversal of a lifting electromagnet includes a rotary suspension, a rope-block system and a counterweight trolley. Using the cable-block system and the counterweight trolley, the position of the rotary suspension housing is fixed, which is necessary for the reversal of a lifting electromagnet. The rotary suspension housing during the turn of the load -lifting electromagnet is held by aversion with two steel ropes with a diameter of 14 mm and a length of 4, 3 m. Each of these ropes is attached to the levers of the rotary suspension housing, and the opposite end to the steel ropes of the delay with a diameter of 14 mm and a length of 64.8 m. The latter pass through the counterweight carts installed on the arrow. When the crane equipped with a lifting electromagnet, the counterweight trolley moves along the boom along the guide. The platform located on the arrow and the lever installed on the Tsapfu equalizing traverse are used in the hanging and removal of the spreader and a lifting electromagnet.

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