How can you use old clothes with benefit

14.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Clothing is not just a way to protect the body from the cold or express your individuality. Often this or that wardrobe item connects its owner with pleasant or funny memories. When a thing wears out or goes out of fashion, it is difficult to part with it, because it reminds of a moment of happiness. Thus, the cabinets are gradually clogged with such a cute heart, and at the same time absolutely superfluous trash. Someone, gathered for the forces, takes a decisive step and gets rid of the unnecessary. Someone, wanting to extend the existence of beloved clothes, gives it to the needy. Italian designer Tobias Dzhoretk went on another way. According to his idea, useless clothing items and gas cylinders can be used to create unique interior items. The owner of such furniture will be able to get two pleasures in one bottle-the original and functional furniture in everyday life, looking at which you can please yourself with nostalgia about the first kiss or some no less important event. It is no coincidence that Dzhoretak gave his collection the so -speaking name «Rememberme».The basis of the design of this unusual stool is a metal frame. Old clothes are used as upholstery. A seat made of fabric from old jeans or T -shirts with a bright pattern looks especially impressive. After connecting with the stool case, the fabric is processed with epoxy resin. As a result, the surface of the seat is elastic and strong enough to last more than a dozen years. The designer admits that the main goal that he pursued when creating such chairs was to revive soulless furniture, to make its use by an empty automatic process, but an exciting adventure that dips interesting stories into the world from his own past.

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