Interior Phineral Doors — About Interior Doors

21.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Of course, the silence of Muslim lawyers about municipal institutions in itself cannot yet indicate that they did not exist in practice. Many phenomena of economic and public life were not recorded in law, remaining in the category of “customs” (adat) not regulated. TO. Kaen has undertaken a special study of the municipal bodies and urban autonomy and came to the conclusion that we can only talk about the experience of some elements of the municipal organization dating back to the Early Unified Time. Separate facts of strengthening urban autonomy in Syrian cities XI in. were random episodes caused by the weakening of the power of the emirs, and not by the manifestation of the general pattern of development of these cities. TO. Kaenus rightly believes that the differences between the European and Eastern city are determined not by the fact that one of them is Muslim, and the other Christian, not Arab conquest and Islamization, but those features that appeared later when the Western European cities in the fight against feudal lords gained autonomy, t. e. In the XII century. “Until that moment, the Muslim city, like Byzantine and Italian, continued, as it seems to me, to develop with some changes, but without a break, in the same direction in which the city of the late empire or Sasanid Iran developed” (Cahen, 1958-1959 , 3, p. 259).

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