Is not always

12.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The simplest and most budget solution is the upgrade of the already existing system. To do this, it will be enough to put special fans at each output that can be turned on if necessary. But, unfortunately, this is not always enough and often requires the laying of additional pipes for ventilation: this may require the state of the main ventilation system or the geometry of the room — in this case, the work will be noticeably larger. But, regardless of this, the most important detail of the system will be the fan. When choosing a fan, several parameters must be taken into account: speed, power, orientation of the air stream (that is, there will be a fan or blow, not everything can be fixed and so). There is a fan selected correctly, it can provide excellent ventilation even the most humid room and even though ventilation pipes can be noticeably clogged. The most important parameter when choosing a fan is calculated based on the size of the room in which it will be applied. Determine the volume of the bathroom, and then multiply this result by 10 — so you get the volume of air that the fan must drive in an hour — after all, for sufficient ventilation, air must be changed a certain number of times. This coefficient should be indicated in the fan marking. Moreover, you should not take not only not powerful enough, but also a super -powerful fan — it will consume significantly more electricity, but at the same time the ventilation quality will not improve.

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