Pictures as a detail of interior design

28.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

No matter what exquisite interior we are talking about, one can say: any of its species will look exceptionally boring, if it weren’t in it auspic, watercolors or paintings. It is simply impossible to imagine a modern interior without this type of decoration elements. Nevertheless, the acquisition of any picture that at least at least like you does not make sense if you do not take into account the interior in which it will be located. So, for the living room, ideal options are large -sized paintings, and their size should be compared with the total meter of the room and with the height of the ceilings. Decorative bright compositions will look great here. As for the plots of paintings, they can be completely diverse, starting from classics and ending with abstraction. Due to the large size of such paintings, it will be possible to visually increase the space diverted under the front room. As a better solution that will make the perception of paintings with a spectacular, you can use various types of lamps that will set the proper tone due to correctly selected backlight. As for such a room as a dining room, a still life will become more appropriate here, for example, with flowers, and the technique of performing the canvas can be any, ranging from the watercolor to painting through oil paints. An important point in this case is the use of a baguette and glass, because this room exposes any interior items corresponding to its specifics of pollution, it is natural that this also applies to paintings. With regard to Hall, it can be noted that it is good for him to use graphic works that will look great in it. They are also suitable for the design of the cabinet, in which there is almost constantly the need for concentration, as well as a complete renunciation of worldly fuss. The plot used for these paintings can be the most different, their only nuance can be distinguished that they should not fully concentrate attention. The quiet evening of summer or the tenderness of morning dawn — approximately in this tonality you should choose the plot of the canvas.

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