Quilted» rhombuses — a visually active element.

30.06.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

Surface relief. Ceramic tiles with a relief surface have long ceased to be a rarity. Imitation of waves, quilted upholstery, tissue weaving can be found in many manufacturers. Tiles with «waves» and «threads» are equally well suited for large and small rooms. Due to the game of shades and light on the relief, it hides proportions. That is, small rooms will seem more, and large ones — slightly less than they really are. «Quilted» rhombuses — a visually active element. If you lay out all the walls with such tiles, then even a large room will look cluttered. But the tile with a “quilted” relief will look great as an accent decor that will draw attention to the wall with a mirror and a washbasin or other interior composition.

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