With a picture

13.04.2017 | комментариев 0 | раздел: Стены

The modern mosaic differs, firstly, by the installation method: today it is completely optional, following the ancient masters, to lay miniature pieces one at a single wall, because it takes a huge amount of time, which is valued in our entire accelerating century above. To accelerate the process, there are mosaic sheets already scored on a special substrate, which are attached to the wall. Such a mosaic can be on a paper sheet, then its “face” is hidden under paper, which is easily washed off after fixing the mosaic. In another, more common, version, mosaic pieces are fixed on a special grid, the front side up. It’s not necessary to wash off anything here — a mosaic grid is simply attached to where it is required. Among the advantages of this method, in addition to noticeable acceleration and simplification of the process — price: the already gained mosaic, ceteris paribus, will certainly be cheaper than there, which was collected one piece. The choice of options for such a mosaic is now very wide: there are the simplest monophonic ones when all the pieces are the same color. If the pieces themselves are not homogeneous, but with interspersed with darker or light shades, translucent (there are usually glass mosaics or mosaics from smalt), then even such a monochrome design will not look boring. But the mosaic can also be scored from different colors: sometimes it is close, as if turning into each other, for example blue and green, creating a feeling of a sea wave on the walls, sometimes completely diverse, contrasting, randomly dialed — such a mosaic looks a little motivation, but, due to the selection of colors, does not irritate the eye. Various images can also be scored on the grid, so you can decorate the bathroom with a picture.

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